wasch, Cut & Go

  • Waschen, Schnei­den, Föhnen
  • Waschen, Schnei­den ohne Föhnen
  • Waschen, Föh­nen ohne Schneiden
  • 20% Stu­den­ten­ra­batt

K5 premium Produkts

  • K5 Pre­mi­um Bla­des und Rasiermesser
  • Qau­li­ty Pro­duct of K5 Pro­fes­sio­nell GmbH, Ein Rasier­mes­ser gehört zum pro­fes­sio­nel­len Fri­seur­be­darf dazu.
  • klas­si­sches Design$
  • Kon­takt +41 797816860


  • Waschen, Schnei­den, Föhnen
  • Waschen, Föh­nen ohne Schneiden
  • Kopf­mas­sa­ge mit Lotion
  • Rasur
  • Bart­schnei­den

Méches, Balayage, Colour

  • Bala­ya­ge
  • Ombré
  • Fär­ben
  • Ansatz fär­ben
  • Foli­en­st­räh­nen (Méches) ganz Kopf
  • Kamm­s­träh­nen
  • Pro Foli­en­st­räh­nen
  • Tönung


Pflegen Sie
Ihr Haar jetzt

Im Her­zen von Zürich, unweit des Haupt­bahn­hofs Zürich gele­gen, ver­wöh­nen wir seit Jah­ren unse­re Stamm- und Neu­kun­den in einer ele­gan­ten und ent­spann­ten Atmo­sphä­re. Unse­re Erfah­rung spie­gelt sich in ein­zig­ar­ti­ger Sorg­falt, exak­ten Schnit­ten und Know-how rund um die Haar­pfle­ge wie­der. Die Aus­wahl der Pro­duk­te spielt eine wich­ti­ge Rol­le. Wir ver­wen­den in unse­rem Salon seit Jah­ren die hoch­wer­tigs­ten Pro­duk­te, denn gesun­des Haar kann man nicht nur sehen, son­dern auch füh­len. Ihre Schön­heit ist uns wichtig.

Jetzt buchen


Unse­re cha­rak­te­ris­ti­sche Mas­sa­ge beinhal­tet model­lie­ren­de Mas­sa­ge­tech­ni­ken, um die Wir­kung der Lymph­drai­na­ge zu maxi­mie­ren und Ihr Immun­sys­tem zu stärken. 
Jetzt buchen 


Ein inten­si­ves Deh­nungs­pro­gramm und dyna­mi­sche Mus­kel­be­we­gun­gen, um Fal­ten zu bekämp­fen und die Mikro­zir­ku­la­ti­on zu aktivieren. 
Jetzt buchen 


Ein haut­ver­fei­nern­des Ganz­kör­per­pee­ling mit spe­zi­el­len natür­li­chen Metho­den macht die Haut glatt und gepflegt. 
Jetzt buchen 


Wenn Sie Fra­gen zu uns haben, kön­nen Sie uns jeder­zeit kontaktieren. 

Philipp BaumannPhil­ipp Bau­mann
15:24 26 Jul 24
Eliza TomynEli­za Tomyn
17:22 08 Jun 24
Abso­lute­ly out­stan­ding hair­dresser! Najib demons­tra­tes unmat­ched pro­fes­sio­na­lism and always takes the time to ensu­re the cus­to­mer recei­ves exact­ly what she wants. Even for cus­to­mers who are not so sure about color and cut, the­re are sug­ges­ti­ons that have been selec­ted based on the sen­se of the hig­hest aes­the­tics and tas­te. Cof­fee, a warm wel­co­me, a nice con­ver­sa­ti­on and a fare­well are stan­dard, but the hair­dresser brings even more — all the skill of cut­ting, a feel-good gua­ran­tee and a won­der­ful head mas­sa­ge when washing out the color. The qua­li­ty of ser­vice is sim­ply first class and the atmo­s­phe­re in the salon is wel­co­m­ing and rela­xing. I can ful­ly recom­mend this business!
Elvira FernándezElvi­ra Fernán­dez
15:37 30 May 24
Ever­ything is gre­at😃 Every time you are warm­ly wel­co­med, you get a nice cof­fee and your needs are taken into account. I real­ly enjoy com­ing every time and can warm­ly recom­mend Najib and his team🤗
Stephan BaumannSte­phan Bau­mann
20:21 28 May 24
12:07 16 May 24
Best in town!!!
Jim DudleyJim Dud­ley
13:53 01 Sep 23
I’ve been a loy­al cus­to­mer at K5 for over 15 years, and I can con­fi­dent­ly say that they con­sist­ent­ly deli­ver excep­tio­nal ser­vice. The team at K5 has a remar­kab­le talent for making me look and feel fan­tastic, which is pre­cise­ly what I expect from a top-notch hairdresser.Their exper­ti­se in hairsty­ling and per­so­na­li­zed atten­ti­on to each cli­ent is tru­ly com­mend­a­ble. Whe­ther it’s a simp­le trim or a com­ple­te make­over, K5’s sty­lists always work their magic, lea­ving me with a hairstyle that per­fect­ly suits me and boosts my confidence.What sets K5 apart is not just their tech­ni­cal skills but also their warm and wel­co­m­ing atmo­s­phe­re. The staff crea­tes an envi­ron­ment whe­re you instant­ly feel at ease, making every visit a plea­sant expe­ri­ence. It’s evi­dent that they genui­nely care about their cli­ents’ satisfaction.Over the years, I’ve seen the salon evol­ve, kee­ping up with the latest trends and tech­ni­ques. K5’s com­mit­ment to stay­ing cur­rent and inno­va­ti­ve in the world of hairsty­ling is impres­si­ve and ensu­res that I always lea­ve the salon with a tren­dy and fashion­ab­le look.In sum­ma­ry, K5 has been my go-to hair­dresser for a rea­son — they con­sist­ent­ly exceed my expec­ta­ti­ons. If you’­re loo­king for a hair salon that will make you look and feel fan­tastic, K5 is undoub­ted­ly the place to go. I look for­ward to many more years of excep­tio­nal ser­vice and sty­lish hair­cuts at K5!
Mohammad MesbahiMoham­mad Mes­bahi
14:33 12 Aug 23
I am extre­me­ly satis­fied with the hair­cut I recei­ved. It is tru­ly excep­tio­nal and sur­pas­ses any pre­vious hair­cuts I have had.
Navid MjdNavid Mjd
13:37 07 Jul 23
The best hair fashion in Zurich
Mostapha haddadiMost­a­pha had­da­di
05:18 17 May 23
Very bad expe­ri­ence !! Do not go there.Very disap­poin­ted as the Hair­dresser did not fol­low my inst­ruc­tions and cut my hair too short des­pi­te showing him a pho­to. In addi­ti­on to that he pre­ten­ded under­stan­ding my Eng­lish and star­ting cut­ting without con­fir­ming or showing me level used.

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